Monday, February 21, 2005

Maui - Whale Watching Trip

From November through April, humpback whales migrate can be seen swimming around the island of Maui. The whales spend their summers in Alaska feeding, then they come to Hawaii to give birth, raise they newborn calves and mate for next season. A baby humpback takes 11 months to gestate and will weight 4 tousand pounds at birth. Adults can weight as much as 85000 pounds. Its amazing to think about, especially when you consider they eat fish and plankton no bigger than a pencil eraser.

We had a nice sunny afternoon for our whale watching trip. We went with an excursion from the Pacific Whale Foundation, which has been studying the Hawaiian humpbacks for over 25 years. February is peak whale season and there were times when he could se several of them at once. Regulations prohibit coming within 100 yards of a whale by any means, so our pictures don't do justice to the experience.


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